Step 1
Download tool Oracle Shapefile Converter at and extract it into any directory.
Open the directory correspond with your operating system (ex: directory shp2sdo_nt for MS Windows), called CONVERT_HOME.
Call the directory that contains your shapefiles is SHAPE_HOME.
Call the directory that installs Oracle 10g is ORACLE_HOME.
Step 2
1. Open console, run the following commands:
> set path="$CONVERT_HOME"
2. Run shp2sdo converter:
shp2sdo.exe <file_name> <table_name> -g <geom_name> -d -x (<minx>,<maxx>) -y (<miny>,<maxy>) -s <SRS> -t <tolerance> -v- on Sun Sparc Solaris or Linux
shp2sdo.exe <file_name> <table_name> -g <geom_name> -d -x \(<minx>,<maxx>\) -y \(<miny>,<maxy>\) -s <SRS> -t <tolerance> -vEx:
shp2sdo.exe tuyendg spa_tuyendg -g geom -d -x (575977.125,577368.125) -y (1195219.125,1196522.0) -s 32648 -t 0.5 -vNote: Type
shp2sdo.exe -h for help.
Step 3After running shp2sdo converter, it creates 2 files:
- *.sql : to create oracle table.
1. Open iSQL*Plus with database that you want to import, execute the content in *.sql (ex: @spa_tuyendg.sql).
2. Open file *.ctrl, insert line " CHARACTERSET UTF8" after line "LOAD DATA" and save it.
3. Open console, use Oracle SQL*Loader by running the following commands:
> set path="$ORACLE_HOME/product/10.1.0/db_1/BIN"
> sqlldr <username>/<password> <table_name>Ex:
sqlldr SYSTEM/oracle spa_tuyendgStep 4Open iSQL*Plus, execute the following commands:
CREATE INDEX <index_name> ON <table_name>(<geom_name>) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
EXECUTE SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT('<table_name>','<geom_name>');Ex:
CREATE INDEX spa_tuyendg_spatial_idx ON spa_tuyendg(geom) INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX;
using_shp2sdo.txt of Oracle Shapefile Converter.